ULI City Series: Redefining the Eastern Harbour City - the Role of Social Infrastructure - POSTPONED


2020-03-24T17:30:00 - 2020-03-24T20:30:00

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    Urbis (Sydney Office) Will open in a new window 123 Pitt Street "Sydney, NSW 2000" Sydney, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA
    Thank you for your interest in the ULI City Series: Redefining the Eastern Harbour City, in partnership with Urbis  In light of the current events surrounding COVID-19, and after consultation with our members and the ULI and Urbis Leadership teams, we have decided to postpone this event. If you have already made payment, you will be refunded in the next two weeks. We will keep you updated on the new date for this event as soon as we have one in place.

    The health and safety of our members, staff, and community, remain our priority and primary concern.

    As we enter a period of prolonged disruption, we are embracing new ways for members to connect and share best practices globally online. We will be enhancing our webinar series in the weeks ahead and will be holding some events and meetings via videoconferencing. We have been successfully deploying our program in Asia Pacific this way since January, with positive feedback. Webinars will be advertised via email and the ULI Australia and Asia Pacific Website, and the free member-only content will be available afterward for you to access on demand in Knowledge Finder. I would direct your attention to a webinar hosted this week on the role building maintenance has to play in addressing COVID-19.
    ULI Sydney City Series: Redefining the Eastern Harbour City - the Role of Social Infrastructure
    To remain competitive, any city needs to be relevant to and respond to people - both existing and future residents. Sydney is dealing with pressures such as a rapidly growing (yet ageing) population, increasing densities, and changes in lifestyle preferences, technology and the climate.

    These changes increase the demand for parks and open spaces, sports and recreation, health and aged care, education, affordable housing, and arts and culture. Access to high-quality, affordable social infrastructure affects people’s quality of life and is a key factor in their decision on where to live, work and invest. As density increases and affordability is becoming a growing challenge, how can we provide these amenities and services when different land uses are competing for space? How does the quality and mix of social infrastructure contribute to social cohesion and identity across the established city?

    The Eastern Harbour City Series event will feature a keynote by Monica Barone, CEO of the City of Sydney, followed by a panel of leading experts that are designing and delivering Australia’s social and cultural infrastructure.

    City Series: Delivering Social Equity across a Metropolis of Three Cities

    Under the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC) plan for Sydney, the proposed Metropolis of Three Cities gives rise to new identities for the existing, emerging, and new urban fabrics proposed for the Eastern Harbour, the Central River, and the Western Parkland Cities.

    ULI Australia and Urbis have launched the City Series – a series of lectures and discussions that will focus on each City but lead the conversation away from just planning and infrastructure. The focus is on the human side of urban life, while acknowledging the economic drivers and required development.

    In planning for the future of Sydney, we are vexed with three complex urban fabrics, each with their own unique characteristics, opportunities, and challenges. How do we plan a better future for these cities? What can be learnt from the past to shape the future? How does the existing city core remain relevant as alternative cities emerge?
    In answering these questions, ULI Sydney and Urbis are presenting a three-part City Series that will consider this topic across the planned Metropolis of Three Cities:
    · Delivering the Western Parkland City – held on 7 November 2019
    · Redefining the Eastern Harbour City 
    · Defining the Central River City 
    Thank you to our event partner, Urbis.

    Urbis (Sydney Office) 123 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA

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